Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

Harvest Sky

I love the light this time of year, a subtle sharpness behind the fading warmth of summer, just a warning of winter and the chills to come.

Autumn really is the best time of year!

For any longtime followers The C&D BIG Central Heating Challenge has commenced. Both of the woodburners have been blackleaded, wood is being gathered, chopped and piled around the house, if I recall correctly we made it well into November before the heating was put on, but we are getting ready for a few evening fires. These are allowed under the " it's a bit airy in here" sub clause.

....especially since we have Nancy Southerners the Inlaws visiting next week.

Mainly the challenge consists of me moaning about being cold (it makes no never mind that I am ALWAYS cold!) and Mr C&D offering to put the heating on, and then me vowing to stick it out for ANOTHER week as it's really not that cold.

No, really not that cold, despite the fact I have yet to exchange the 13.5tog winter duvet for the summer season 2011, probably won't bother now tbh.

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