
By justbrian

blow job !

This is my latest bike,an il pompino from on one, obviously not finished I'm waiting for a few bits for that.

When I ordered it Allison said "you're not getting a brown bike it'll look cack"

when it arrived she said " oooh, metallic brown, I like that"

women eh !!

anyhoo, I have featured the garden bench again, it seems that it's going to be a handy tool for blips. Actually I may make it a mini series....

The finished bike will have a brown saddle, drop bars, possibly moustache and brown bar tape, it's fixed wheel ( make note Mr Carrol and Clenehan) running an easy 36 x 14 to protect my delicate knees.

I'll post another pic for the bike nerds when it's finished.

By the way, the title of the blip is apparently what pompino means, apologies to any Italian blippers.

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