One of those days...
...where I'm going to fob you off with a lazy shot. Here's Katherine's homework from yesterday (not even a topical blip) with the answer to my question that so many kind blippers came up with. This has not been marked yet, which is handy as I've just spotted an error a couple of lines down...
Busy busy day at the MBH today trying to get a couple of rooms ready for painting, one of which was less solid than anticipated: leading to a lot of scraping away of old rubbish stuff and (for Mr B) some filling of largish holes. Our *lovely* seller popped by too, but was so polite and deferential that I found it hard to be mean to him, so wasn't. And I managed to catch our landlord/neighbour at last so that he knows we're moving out of our rented house at the end of November. (I have to admit to a slight wobble when he asked if that was a definite date that he could promise to the next tenant. Almost every part of me wanted to scream "No, no, please let us stay in your lovely central-heated house until spring, don't make me go that mad broken cold house just as the bad weather strikes." But my French wouldn't stretch to that, so I just said "Oui".)
The kids had played rugby at school but, despite lots of tackles, neither was injured - which is unusual for them on a normal day at school, never mind one involving a genuine contact sport. Conor calls his left knee his 'lucky knee' now - because he's only fallen over and grazed it a couple of times this term, whereas the right knee has not been without a fresh scrape since July. He had to go to the doctors today as he cannot join the football club without a full medical. We waited an hour for the appointment, then finally got in with our lovely (and sadly very popular) doctor. I explained what I wanted, she looked at Conor very sternly, prompting me to say "Il va bien" and then she signed the form. So that was worthwhile then. Still, I shouldn't complain as she didn't charge me and gave me a prescription while I was there.
Long facetime* chat with Mr B tonight (somehow I always look blue on that - perhaps it's because his meeting has been changed from Tuesday to Friday so he won't be home for ages), which lead to the kids missing their chance to see Doctor Who before bedtime. Still, as they conceded later: Daddy's better than Doctor Who. So that's good.
*Apple thing where you can do video calling free if you're both in a wifi zone. It's v. cool, but no-one looks beautiful on it like the folk on the ads - everyone just looks an odd colour and a bit shiny. Off course, that may just be us.
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