Well how daft is that then

So having carted my camera plus lens with me for most of the day, for some reason I opted to take a photo of a shadow which demonstrates that no matter how much we feel that the summer is over as colds begin to take hold of the majority of the office the sun can make more appearances in three days than it did in the previous month but not to worry, where was I oh yes chose the phone, except I was running out of time, quelle surprise as it was picky ups girls from swimming time and after that it was a marathon of cooking something I would hope was Chinese food with as wide a variety of vegetables as I could muster, while the trip out to get some milk provided the highlight of the day, wherein eldest who had just received some pocket money decided to buy me a Galaxy caramel which I thought was extremely generous, well you are not familiar I guess with the Scrooge like pocket money they are getting, after all it is nearly a double dip and then it was back for some violin practise and it has to be said that the girl is finally beginning to prove that practise makes perfect so more of a stream of consciousness, although I am aware that last year, check the apples over on the right, it was a stunning day like today which I somehow feels justifies my weird obsession with temperatures on which I can only say that after the weather you can see the regional news so I leave you with a succinct


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