I'm Trying..!

By jessmcclean176

Floralis Genérica

Today I went to MALBA with Andrea which was great (especially as the last time I went it was closed-it was so worth going back) the we wandered around Palermo and Recoleta on a hunt for somewhere to stop for lunch. On our wander we encountered Floralis Genérica (that's us in front of it in the photo) which was built by Argentine architect Eduardo Catalano as a tribute to all the world's flowers and a symbol of "hope for the country's new spring" (according to the guidebook!). When we eventually found somewhere to eat we were starving so we shared 2 emapanadas and a pizza..don't think I'll have to eat again today! In such a good mood, it was such a nice, sunny day and MALBA and just the general wander/chat/lunch was so good. Very happy this evening!

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