
By traceyflowerpot

Getting To Know You ....

I dont feel inspired at all today, probably because the camera doesnt do what I want it to do.

I was looking at my plants around my garden this morning, there were bees on my flowers, flies just sitting there waiting to be blipped, haha. I tried to get a photograph of them, it was mission impossible, so I gave up.

I decided just to play with the camera, looking at myself through the camera into a mirror, trying to get DOF etc. I still couldnt achieve what I wanted, what alot of PIFF POFF....

I decided to settle on this shot, I played around with the brightness and contrast, it may have improved it a little bit.

But then I thought, maybe this little camera isnt that good, but at least it is still giving me a photograph each day for my blip journal.

I will admit though I will be greatful when my camera gets sorted, but until then I will be happy, happy, happy, with this, (I hope) haha.

I hope everyone is having a lovely relaxing Sunday...

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