
By Frontier

Apppppp brak brooo shooo

Haruka Nakamura - Faure ft. Uyama Hiroto

A non-productive photo day. I've been very exhausted due to the big weekend. It's also that time of the month where my emotions and other such things take the better of me. It's unavoidable at times and although men do not experience these cycles in the same extremity as women there are those ups and downs that must be endured and turned into something productive. A friend's facebook post really annoyed me today, it was a joke about gender inequality, and although it was in gest, my tiredness and emotions took control and I just stewed in the meaning of it all. I was concerned about why the joke was made and what kind of effect it has on people and why people react in a certain way. As you can see I'm thinking too much but critical thinking is always important. Subsiding to the "it's only a joke" excuse is self-destructive. It's what creates norms in society and eventually a culture. Empathy is always important and although I'm being anal retentive about it and it indeed inhibits the rights of other people to express themselves, it would be more beneficial if people undertook a sense of empathy as the basis of general perspective. Having said that, it's stilting and sometimes unprogressive if everyone were to "tip-toe" around issues. A good set of strong morals, values and common goals would be a great focus to head towards instead of the unnecessary bickering derived from the over analysis of gender classification and other such subjects. Although "role" identification and analysis is important it clearly doesn't work for everybody.

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