Claartje's Fotsen

By Claartje

Time: 39.09

Marikenloop 2008, 5 km

Ok, since I had planned to cross the finish line in under 40 minutes, it seems I succeeded! I might have gone faster but my right leg started to hurt when I had not even done 1km, so the rest of the race I have been limping... (ouch)

This is one of the not so blurry pictures I took while running. By popular demand I had decided to run with the camera in my hand. 7265 women ran today, no wonder it was a bit crowded (but great fun!).

Now I'll go sit on my butt and watch tv.
Harrison Carbrand is on in an Indiana Jones film.

Will comment tomorrow. Bit tired now...

Marikenloop pictures

See also my finish line video and my finish line picture
I haven't seen the result yet because they won't be online before monday 10 am. Hope I don't look too goofy.

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