A glorious day

Wow - such a glorious day. When I got back from work, hubby and I went to the local garage to look for a new car. We then picked up a pizza from the local pizza shop and headed to the park with a picnic blanket, fizzy drinks, beer and wine. By the time we got to the park, the pizza was not that hot (because there was quite a lot of traffic).
Just as we were leaving, a deer (seen in the distance in this shot) came charging towards us. It ran down this path so fast and ran straight past us. Bit scary !

Daughter #2 announced that she wanted to go to the open evening at one of the local secondary schools. We weren't too keen on going because we want her to go to the same school as her sister (who has just started secondary school). We were there for an hour and a half and it was really hot.

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