
By katgirl

Vegetable Garden

Last year, I was too overwhelmed with work to even consider gardening. But now, with my work life transformed for the better, I was determined to plant something.

This house is a rental. The yard is very large & it is obvious that someone in the past took great care of the garden. Many perrennials and shrubs have survived despite years of little care. But many areas are overgrown with weeds and vines.

This is the only sunny area of the yard - the only spot suitable for veggies. You may see that there is a low green shrub in the center of my little garden. I was surprised to find it under the morass of vines. After adding 8 bags of soil/compost around the shrub, I planted

Crookneck Squash
Green Beans
Peppers (Red, Yellow, Green, Orange)
Rainbow Chard
Baby Bok Choy

I should have made it bigger...

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