Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Applecross - oh Applecross. How you teased and cajoled us.

We arrived in Applecross with the sunshine like this - hooray! To celebrate we drank a quite a lot of wine in the Applecross Inn and as soon as we got back to our tent it absolutely chucked down for 3 solid days. We woke up in a puddle. Non-Hooray.

Fortunately there were wee wooden tipi hut thingies that we moved into and had a braw wee time hanging out in our nest, watching films, drinking wine (Arlo) and apple juice (us) and generally being all snuggly and lovely.

Every now and then the sun would come out and we got a (2 second) glimpse of how our holiday COULD have turned out if only it wasn't in Scotland. In September. Ah well....

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