My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Just Taking A Rest

Hi everyone

Im feeling so guilty im not getting many photos of Thomas with him being at school now, but i will try and get some of him at the weekend.

Here is olivia taking a rest after a little shoot around on her scooter, i did a little test shoot today to make sure tha camera is still ok, im going to have to send it away soon anyway for a service and cleans because im 2nd photographer for 2 weddings in november, one is a present for my sister and one is for one of my friends, lets hope i can do it and make them proud, i may be asking some of you for some tips. :)

Hope my blip is ok for you of Olivia i know she graces my journal quiet alot, she loves the camera at the moments but i will get some of thomas.

Thankyou for all your commets and hearts and stars. Means so much. xxxx

Vicky. xxx

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