Apologies to arachnophobics...
...And to ladybird lovers :-(
This wasn't my intended blip.
It was a hurried one and no other was presenting itself quite so easily with the blue sky etc.
I've been tidging with technology today, which has not been without its frustrations. However, I have managed to not throw the PC through the window. Just. (Which would have been neither big nor clever.)
I can't help but think, despite all of the apps and stuff these days, that life was easier before!
A simple thing like recording something was like falling off a log; you just pressed the red button and the play button and you had a tape of whatever it was! Playable anywhere! (Without dongles and dangles). The bit you wanted. The VERY bit.
Anyway. Changing the subject, The Music Room by William Fiennes is a little bit of book heaven and I'm dragging it out because I shall be bereft when I've finished it.
P.S. I'm not at all sure that 'easy' is the right describing word for falling off a log. It does seem to imply that a discussion once took place about whether it might be a difficult or possibly challenging activity ...?
It's time I was asleep!
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