Randy's Journal

By RandyChild

Comfort food

Tonight's supper: sauteed broccoli, boiled potatoes, smoked pork chop, caramelized onions, and freshly made sauerkraut. It was delicious!

Our oldest son was here for supper, since his wife, a school teacher had parent-teacher conferences and had to work late. It's always nice to have someone to cook for other than just the two of us.

Opened a new crock of sauerkraut this morning, put it in six good sized jars, put it in the fridge and made a new batch. It takes about 4 weeks to ferment, so this one will be ready the end of October. It is soooo good when you have a fresh batch, and you have to take full advantage of it. Making sauerkraut and kimchi has been a really nice adventure, and very nutritious, also.

Tomorrow night it's sausages and sauerkraut. Yummmm.....

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