Back by the Bay

By MyBitOfOz


The weather has turned cold, after the storm a couple of nights ago it has struggled to get above 20 degrees! Windy all day today!

I thought I'd take yet another photo from the beach out the front of the cabin, I like this place and I've enjoyed having the family on this work trip. They've been able to have a holiday and look around the area while I've been working.

The wife & kids head for home tomorrow, about a 10 hour drive, I head 8 hours in the other direction to the Eyre Peninsula.

So here is an opportunity, I'm heading for what people class at "the Outback" for the next week, is there anything you would like to see??? A Road-Train? Miles of Horizon? dirt roads stretching on forever?

Let me know..... set me a challenge! I love a good sunset photo but I seem to be taking too many of them!

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