Bring back Autumn
This is the very top of the (many) trig points on Ilkley Moor and according to my 'research'
'Ilkley Moor's Trig Point Cairn is believed to be 4,500 years old and is thought to have been the burial place of a local leader.
Over the centuries, stones from the cairn have been taken to build the moorland walls as well as the modern walkers? cairn, which has appeared on top of it. '
It's recently been repaired my 'English Heritage' to protect it from further damage.
I saw the sunrise this morning and the sunset this evening. It made me think how weird it is that the sun goes all around the world and back round again. Or is it us that's going round the sun...oh anyway it's just odd
When I was in austrailia I really missed my parents. I used to star gaze at night wondering if they could see the same stars as I could...bit sad but it made me feel closer to them even though I wasn't.
I work for a holiday letting agency and it annoys me so much that funding from the government has been cut from tourist boards. Tourism is one of the made sources of income for this country....tuh!
Sorry long blip tonight
And that's today's one through the looking glass
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