Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Evening all.

Is it Thursday already ?

Had one or two of those odd little days today, where nothing quite goes right, but nothing quite goes wrong either.....

Went to see a little chap today who lived at NO.52 Whatever street, Sheffield.

Got to the road in question, got on the correct side of the the even numbers, followed them up in numerical order....10s,20s,30s,40s,

i'm getting close now, 42,44,46,48,50,72, 74............what, wait, step back a bit, so number 50 is followed by number 72....theres no space, no gap between the houses, tight packed terraces in a long straight line...

somethings amiss here, i notice a gaggle of bare chested young men further down at number 80, gathered round a car and clutching tins of beer in their hands..i'll ask them.....

Had a nice chat with them, they were ok, but not only did they not know where number 52 was, they hadn't even noticed that house numbers 50 through to 70 had disappeared, and couldn't really remember what house they lived at, despite sitting outside it with a huge number 80 painted on it in 3 foot numbers...

its been a long day today, that was only the first visit, and no, i didn't find it!!!

Pearl Jam

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