Here we go again!


Carousel, Jardin des Apprentis d'Auteuil

I took a walk before it got too hot this morning and came across this nice park and 1905 manège.

I had the curriculum night meeting at Ch's school tonight. I really like her teacher. She's gentle but firm and very organized. She has the kids do a lot of writing - copying lessons from the blackboard and then learning them - but I think that will be really good for Ch. Her handwriting already seems to be improving, and it has got to be good for her spelling and vocab. Some of the parents seemed quite nice. At least now I will recognize a few more people at the school pick-ups. The kids in her class have such cute names: Gustave, Clémence, Isaure, Andéol, Romane, Baptiste, Maxence... It's almost like Le Petit Nicolas (Eudes, Agnant, etc) :)

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