Trickle and Thrum

By werewegian

loose change

Does anyone need any of this anymore? I mean what can you do with 1p, 2p or 5p? I guess you can save them up and exchange them for £1 coins (and I do) but most of the time it's toy money and virtually useless.

I'm back down at the caravan tonight. We were expecting good weather but apart from a brief blush around 7am, and a few moments of sunshine it's been a bit grim.

Also grim was Russian film Mirror which I tried to watch on DVD tonight. I think I was too tired to concentrate. I chose it because of a brief mention in Great House by Nicole Krauss, the novel I'm currently reading. That's also heavy going but has a lot to recommend about it. We'll see if I still say that by the time I finish.

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