Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Almost Home

We got up at 5:00 am to get ready for the journey home. After a short walk to the Metro (glad we were traveling light), we caught the Roissy bus to Charles de Gaulle airport and waited for the Air France flight to Seattle. The flight was an hour late, so we missed the 1:00 pm bus from Seattle to Bellingham and had to wait for the next bus at 3:00. I regretted not having slept on the airplane -- the first time I'd flown transatlantic without sleeping for several hours -- but there were lots of movies to choose from. I watched three and C watched four!

The strange plane hanging from the ceiling at SEA-TAC is a mockup of the Rutan Voyager -- the first plane to circumnavigate the earth non-stop without refueling. The trip took 9 days, 3 minutes and 44 seconds. You can read more about it here, if you're interested.

It obviously wouldn't have been a good flight for anyone with claustrophobia, and they didn't have any movies to watch.

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