
By mandygf

Indian Summer.. part 2...

another gorgeous day today... took full advantage of it....

didn't start off too well I got up on the wrong side of the bed... (Stuart's side) & knocked my head on a shelf beside his bed... I heard a crack & saw stars... but no blood & everything still works so I guess I'm fine...

Cooper & I headed off to the beach for a play in the park, then a picnic... we went past the golf course to see if we could spot anyone famous... but there were loads of names on the boards & hoards of peoples so I guess there must have been... apparently we just missed Michael Douglas.... oh well...

Cooper was being so cute, he was watching his shadow (as in this pic) & asking me if it'd run when he runs.....

hopefully the weather holds so we can do it another day during the holiday...

Stuart was asked by his boss if he'd like to go out in his boat with them after work... so who knows what time he'll be home....

here are a few more from our day out, if you'd like a look x

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