Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Bobby has been feeling rather miffed that he hasn't been blipped for ages. So here he is. He has been enjoying the lovely weather and has just popped in for a bite to eat. Strangely my neighbour's cat Cookie has spent all day indoors sleeping on my bed - he is missing all the sunshine.

The Sound of Music yesterday was good. I knew Connie Fisher was no longer playing Maria but I expected to see Verity Rushworth in the part. However for the afternoon matinee performance we had an understudy. I wasn't really bothered as she was good but others round about me seemed disappointed.

****** Neil update. He tried to get money from a cash point with his debit card but it was refused. Before he went he did the right thing and phoned his bank to tell them he was going to Thailand and then on to Australia so that they would be expecting foreign transactions but it seems as though this hasn't worked. He asked me to phone them but of course as I wasn't the account holder they can't do anything on my say so. Mind you I was furious - and I don't get furious ( very ) often. So he is going to try and phone his bank himself. What a hassle. Hope he can sort it as he will be penniless before long.

On a brighter note his Facebook message says......

" We're all doing great, fine healthwise, i'll be careful. Arrived in phi phi today, really bustling. Had a fun night out. Officially the second best quiz team on phi phi island, OH WOW! Day trip to the cove where The Beach was set tomorrow, should be canny. How have you been with it being 10 year anniversary? hope you're doing well. i shall keep in touch as best as i can"

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