Moments of a life

By Jennplus3

The Big Read 2003

I decided mid last year that I would read my way through the 2003 Big Read survey, a list of the Uk readers' top 200 books of all time. I'm also trying to collect as many as I can. I've read roughly 55 books from the 200 and have started appreciating all kinds of different books written from a wide range of time periods across a whole host of genres. I can say now, from the experience so far, that nearly every single book has been an absolute trial to get into (like Bleak House!) but once I perservere, the stories are unforgetable. Most of the books I would in the past never have picked up let alone read my way through the blurb on the back. So setting myself this reading goal has been such a wonderful, eye-opening, cultural experience, I highly recommend others do it!

So this picture is just one shelf with a few of the books on the large list.

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