
Lots of plants in the garden are having a second flowering and when the sun came out today I spotted this burst of colour. We grew them from seed, and I think they were called Harlequin. A bit brash and garish, but sometimes that's what you want to cheer up a dull corner.

Made three cakes this morning, for the big ceilidh this evening. Iced cherry buns, coffee and walnut cake and a chocolate cake. This afternoon I picked up friends from the airport then helped with the annual stock take at the craft shop followed by an emergency meeting. Quick turnaround, and off to the ceilidh until midnight!

It was a super dance, lots of folk there and a great band. Among the folk were an American couple celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. They'd been brought to the dance by a friendly local tour guide, who they had met and to whom they'd expressed an interest in seeing what it would be like. The band played the Grand March, which is traditionally the first dance danced at a wedding, and they took centre stage, with everybody then joining in. They had a super time, were so enthusiastic and beaming from ear to ear, and also won a prize in the raffle!

We haven't been dancing for a long while, due to all the building etc, but tonight reminded us how much we love it. We danced nearly every dance and had a ball!

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