The Rickety Man

By shamyasus

'Ain't nothing but a Hound dog!'

Met these guys this morning, when I asked their handlers if I could take some photo's (I want to get back into my old love of pet portrait painting), they're real hunt hounds... and I've got to say, I've never met a happier or better cared for inquiasitive and friendly bunch of (at least twenty) dogs in my life.
I take my hat off to their handlers, who new the names of each individual and obviously cared a great deal. It dispelled a myth, totally, I had of hunt dogs being treated perhaps un-fairly.
As you can see a few more visits are required to get a decent shot, I think the word inquisitive, sums them up altogether!

Anyway went out last night and stayed sober!!!(i'm gonna get a bad name at this rate! the shame!!!)
So tonight I'm going to try to get rid of this blood-bubble in my alcohol stream!
Wish me luck!!! ;0)

Cu! hic!!

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