Escuse me sar, ah you from Glascow?
Are you intrensted in Italia fashion?"
"Thaaank you for your time sir" crew exit stage left beating a hasty retreat.
Owen was off school due to an in-service day today, so he and I went on the train to the Dear Green Place......aye they're no kidding about it being a dear (costly) place; here is the breakdown:
Train Day Saver for 1 adult and 1 child = £14.90
Bus fare for two to North Quay = £2.20
Entrance Fee to Science Museum, incl. IMAX and Glasgow Tower = £21.45
Very modest lunch for 2 in the cafe = £8.95
Train fare back to central station from North Quay = £1.15
Coffee, juice and a double KitKat the train home = £ 3.15
Total for a day out in Glasgow = £51.80.......struth!!
The police escorted funeral motorcade for Tommy Burns swept past us as we walked on the soutside today; although I had my camera in my hand I felt it was wrong to blip it, several hooped stripped dudes snapped away with their phones, but it felt cheap to me.
An eventful day, but we both enjoyed it.
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