Dubreyferkin Diaries

By StrictlyDavina

Coffee Time

Well, more of a cappuccino really. That is where Mum and I went this afternoon - to see Mal Pope's musical Cappuccino Girls at the newly opened South Wales Evening Post Theatre which is running there until December. It is a mixture of Sex in the City and Friends and is set in a coffee shop, the regular meeting place of the three heroines of the story.

This theatre is not like your "normal" theatre, for the customers in the coffee shop are the audience and the acting takes place all around you. It's certainly a different experience to seeing acting on a stage.

For me, the two stars of the show were Phillip Arran and Helen Enser Morgan, both well known local actors who have been in the "business" for a number of years.

I enjoyed the show but it wasn't up Mum's street. Well, you can't like everything can you? I do have two criticisms however - one was the music in places was far too loud for the vocals and the second - Mum and I ordered our coffee but there was no cappuccino, just filter. Err, hello, the clue is in the title of the musical!!!!

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