Living as best I can

By ConnieWalker

That time of the month again !

I need monthly injections of B12.
Back in the UK I used to go see nursey to get my shots and it was free-as expected.
Here in Italy it gets more complicated and costs.
So I explained to UK nursey my dilemma and requested a prescription of said medication to tide me over for 6 months and get top-ups on 6 monthly return visits to gay old Britain-no problem as long as I paid a nurse in Italy to inject the stuff-fantastic.
Off to Boots the chemist to get prescription filled the day before we left the UK. Oh and could I please have some syringes please?
Yes you may. I was given a sealed bag and duly paid £3.00 for the syringes.
When I opened the package a month later-in Italy remember? I found 5 useless insulin syringes Doh!! What in God's name was the point of selling me the wrong thing? and not enough?
Unabashed I trip down to a farmacia and ask if I can buy large syringes-sure-how many do you want? 5? 10? 20?50?
10 please. That will be 2 Euros. Grazie.
So (being an ex nurse) I can do do this myself at home. Job done!
By the way I continue to pay NIC in the UK so am entitled to free medication.

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