Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus


I went to the library yesterday and borrowed 'Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain and Europe' by Roger Phillips. Its a comprehensive guide with over 900 photographs. I'm sure it will help in the end but at the moment it seems that there are so many different species, many of which appear very similar, that idenitifacation has become less rather than more certain. I'm sure this is a Bolete, which one is a bit less clear. Given its size and appearance plus the habitat I'd have a stab at the Brown Birch Bolete. I also found some 'witches' butter' this morning but my camera ran out of battery before I could take the photo and I'd forgotten to charge the spare. So that's another fungus whose location I'll have to try and rememberso that I can return to it another day.

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