I Didn't Go To Castle Ashby Today

Sultry walk to the Charity shops with Progeny, had put the setting on my camera so that it showed the histograms, as I am supposed to be learning about them for the OU , this meant I couldn't review the photos quickly so I didn't bother... managed to phatfinger the knob at he top ,off of AV and onto manual ...sigh

YUP all over exposed .. 'rescued' some by using levels

Today couldn't decide between this one or this one
or in fact the one I have posted .

Did some other stuff too but can't be bothered to write about it.
Guess what? ... Yup that's right zzzzzz ...zzzzzzzzz...snore.... and a bit of dribbling ...zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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