The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Weasely Mis-Identified

This is of course stoatly different .. and not a weasel! ;o)

It just reminded me of the old saying about them being confused with weasels.

Popped down to Newport Wetlands this afternoon with Dawn to make the most of the late summer we seem to be having in autumn!

It was pretty quiet down there, alas no wrynecks! In fact, someone must have told the birds I had brought the scope as there was not a lot to see at all. I still got watch a pochard diving and little grebe paddling about!

You never know what you may bump into wandering around there. En route back to the visitor centre, we saw this stoat bounding up the path away from us with his tea! Dawn had never seen a stoat before, it was only my second, which just went to prove, Newport Wetlands RSPB Reserve never fails to deliver!

I actually have a couple of rejected blips tonight.

This dragonfly looked good in silouhette.

Here's another one at a different angle.

And I took this Collared Dove at sunrise in the garden this morning.

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