bouquet of...

...bridal wreath

that has gotten confused as to what season it's in...

i was passing by the bridal wreath bush - bemoaning the fact that my landlord just about butchered the poor thing several weeks ago...

granted it was time for our typical end-of-year pruning to be done - the bush was sorely overgrown. branches were hanging low - slapping the sides of the house during windy and stormy weather... it had to be done. but when he was finished with what he called the "trimming" and i went to take a look-see, i stood in shock... for the poor bush appeared - well - naked - for lack of a better word. i felt so bad for it. he said, "oh please... it'll grow back come spring and very quickly - you'll see." i know he's right... still.

so today... i'm gazing at it all forlorn like and what do i see? a tiny cluster of flowers... a small bouquet that has blossomed... how is that even possible? but here it is for you to see, too... clear as can be - just like it would look in the spring time - except it's fall. i searched the rest of the bush high and low and nothing - nowhere else on it - just this one little bunch - and i mean little - it's about the size of my little finger tip. boo...

i'd like to think it's the bush being defiant... taking a stand... saying "strip me bare - down to nothing - i will survive..." yes, i know bushes really can't talk however... it's an explanation for this small bouquet... and it's my story and i'm sticking to it...

which makes it a

happy day.....

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