
By eightthirty

Clothes you want to wear

8:30pm and I'm outside putting the bin out. But here's a picture of the alarm light on Mrs theWeir's Mini.

It does a cool wee glowing thing when activated. A little reminiscent of an Apple PowerBook.

Today has been great.

The privilege of leading worship at KCC for the first time, made all the sweeter by having Mrs theWeir singing too.

A relaxed afternoon and evening too. Despite having to pack my bag for returning to work tomorrow.

Have benefited from the time off, no doubt. Lots of fond memories. And lots of things off the home-to-do list.

Been struck by how much we have been blessed. Not merely with stuff, but with life. By a great family. And by a future and a hope.

I want to live a life that glows.

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