Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Work in progress 2.

In formerly sunny Lancashire, the heavens opened today, but even though the wet stuff was very much about, the log-store is underneath a very large hawthorn tree, which has strangely enough, a rambling rose, newly re-awakened and twining through the Haws. Of which there are very few remaining.Thanks to the good offices of the Sparrows. Even the Elderberry at the bottom of my garden, looks conspicously bare. The last few days apart, it has not been good washing drying weather. Usually the Starlings feed on the Elderberries, and thanks to the quite large seeds, manage to spatter the washing with many purple plops. I suspect the Sparrows have beaten them to it, plus the councill felling a lot of the urban roosts of the Starlings, they are conspicous by their absence. I'vemanaged to get the roof on the log store, and am now looking forward to having the time, the inclination and the daylight available to complete the job. Was it ever thus?

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