Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


Linford and Dot, crazy as ever.

In a random moody spell (which Haydn thinks happens 20% of the time - I took offense by that) I got a little bit fed up with their crazy shenanigans, but after a nap we went down to the beach for some fish and chips and more YPS fun.


I've been trying to put more effort into good, technically interesting shots, but it's just not worth it. I love my blip being filled with my friends, so screw it, that's what it's gonna be filled with. Of course, I will still be looking for the interesting shots, but I won't beat myself up when I don't succeed.


I have 100 shots of these two, it was a lot of flashing, people on the beach were probably blinded by it.

--- ---

Midnight revelation - I love the VDA crew, they're good to have around, you only live once and when you're hungry, eat.

Now, let's hope I wake up in time for uni.

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