
By Jillybean

Holy Crap Is That Pee

(the story...continued from yesterday) so we're still chilling when we hear this noise, like someone turned the shower on. We got up to go look and find water pouring out of the vent, down the sides of the walls, on the floor, from the ceiling, out of the bathroom, into the bedroom. You know, normal stuff. I'm pretty sure Dan, Amanda, and I are basically the most useless people to have in any type of emergency situation because we had no clue what to do. I called Justin who lives upstairs (thankfully, he woke up to the call) and told him to stop whatever was going on in his bathroom because it was flooding us. He seemed confused until he got out of his bed and stepped into a lovely puddle (Insert an "Ohhhh shitttt" and him hanging up the phone" here).

Our next plan of action was to wake Emily up. We did, she can handle these things and somehow was bright enough/awake enough to get maintenance on the phone. At this point Justin calls back to say that its their toilet overflowing majorly. At this point we also realize that it smells like pee (or as Gracie said "Omg its like a dog has been here). The waters still pouring out everywhere, has now reached the living room and maintenance is on the phone telling us that they can get someone there at 12 (5 hours away). Useless, so Emily informed them that it's urine and feces and that seems to quicken the process of getting someone over to us. It did, they arrived around 9 to fix things up. Which includes mopping up the pee/water, draining the light fixtures of the urine in them, and disinfecting the entire place. Smells minty now.

Just a peachy good time had by all in F11. Went to sleep in a non-urine filled house around 8/9 and woke up at 12 to go to the barbecue with these two, plus Justin and Amanda.

I'm a bit tired. And already, this is one of those stories I can look back at and laugh at...mainly cause no major damage was done to our stuff...

"Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down."
-Ray Bradbury

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