Like a crown

So the 'placeholder' image became a backblip. This was taken on the way home from the Filmhouse having been to see an interesting film about planned obsolescence called The Light Bulb Conspiracy. About the idea (true) that light bulb manufacturers deliberately capped the lifetime of lightbulbs by setting up an international cartel. And the way that computer printers have a chip that counts the pages printed and stops it from working after a certain number, and then tell you it's cheaper to buy a new one that to 'repair' it. Or the computer waste that is sent (illegally) to Ghana and ends up just dumped there. Leading to the idea of 'degrowth' and alternative ways of measuring economic 'success'. GDP is being seen, at least by some people, as a unreliable indicator of real economic success. Events that cost money are always good for GDP without ever considering if they are good or bad. A massive oil spill and the associated clean-up costs add to GDP but being able to go for a swim in clean water doesn't register.
In the evening I went to meet the Arkle crowd, for post-Fringe reunion drinks. We started back at the Filmhouse and then ended up back at D's place into the small hours.

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