Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Autumn days, when the grass is jewelled...

After 4 hours of attempting to formulate a decent plan for my governance report I gave up and went for a walk around the block to clear my head. After tha dreary weekend, today is beautiful The sun is shining, the air is cool, the breeze is gentle and autumn is finally here. I found a nice bench by the canal, watched the world go by and took some photos.

I had to smile when I saw this. Thank you Stan the litter picker.

Isn't it amazing how things you learnt in school as a small child can still have such an effect years later. As I walked along I was singing to myself a song from primary school that I haven't thought of in years.

Anyone else remember this from school: (the link is to the piano accompaniment on youtube)

Autumn Days

Autumn days, when the grass is jewelled
And the silk inside a chestnut shell
Jet planes meeting in the air to be refuelled
All these things I love so well

So I mustn?t forget
No, I mustn?t forget
To say a great big thank you
I mustn?t forget.

Clouds that look like familiar faces
And a winter?s moon with frosted rings
Smell of bacon as I fasten up my laces
And the song the milkman sings.

So I mustn?t forget
No, I mustn?t forget
To say a great big thank you
I mustn?t forget.

Whipped-up spray that is rainbow-scattered
And a swallow curving in the sky
Shoes so comfy though they?re worn out and they?re battered
And the taste of apple pie.

So I mustn?t forget
No, I mustn?t forget
To say a great big thank you
I mustn?t forget.

Scent of gardens when the rain?s been falling
And a minnow darting down a stream
Picked-up engine that?s been stuttering and stalling
And a win for my home team.

So I mustn?t forget
No, I mustn?t forget
To say a great big thank you
I mustn?t forget.

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