Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


I have spent alot of time on my bike in the last two days.....
and I kind of get to thinking about things as you push yourself through pain barriers, ignoring the desire to stop or slow down, let your average speed drop a little, maybe?

Cambridge to Norwich with some friends and then back again the next day, knee injury plagueing me!

Anyway, hot weather and a desire to NOT be overtaken in the first 40 miles had my mind focused so not alot went through it but "KEEP GOING, BREATH". The next 38 were more pleasurable, keeping the averages at 18-20mph with some stops to keep the fluids up and avoid the WALL crash.

Here's the thing, and the point of the pic, I thought alot about my life, who I am, about the things that I love doing, the people that I love/care for and what, if anything, this life means......!

The pic is of a bookend that I found (all alone!) on a Bric-a-Brac stall at the local market. He sits on the book shelves starring out to space, his thoughts his own, silent and non-judgemental. I felt like him today, as I sat in the coffee shop with pleasingly aching muscles, thinking my own thoughts, and I guess that THAT is the point.....if it is not a fact, then it is just a thought, widely accepted or not, it's yours and, my dear blip friends, you would be gladly given the chair next to me and a coffee to share it!

I am ever thankful for my life, and if you ever pass a coffee shop and a bald beardy man is staring out the window.................!

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