
By henryfish


Crikey, 300! That took a while.

No 300-themed photo today- we tried, but just couldn't quite pull it off. My excuse is that we're tired, having flown to Amsterdam this morning- OK, the flight was only 50 minutes, but the journey to Heathrow was less than fun (the westbound platform at Victoria was flooded. Flooded! When was the rain?!).

Amsterdam is as pretty as I remember, so we've just had an afternoon of wandering and taking pictures, eating frites and mayo, drinking beer, eating pancakes and a bit more wandering.

This place is the fantastically named Wynand Fockink tasting room, which serves beers, liqueurs and jenever (Dutch gin, ish, but NEVER say that aloud), and has been there since 1679. They fill the glasses so full that you have to take the first sip off the bar without picking it up. The raspberry brandywine was particularly good :)

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