A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Football fever

James wanted to play football tonight. Not in the slightest bit interested in the big match that seemed to cause the motorways to empty very early this evening (which was nice) and made Asda nice and quiet at 6.45 in the evening (which was equally pleasant!)

So after a jaunt to the local field, legging it around for 20 minutes, both of us getting a 'stitch' we came back home to play a game called "TACKLE" which James plays as a warm up at school. However, I have told him that I think the dictionary definition of the word tackle would read as such;

Tackle - for James to viciously attack his mummy by repeatedly kicking her around the ankles, with apparently no intention of actually trying to kick the big football - for fun, because it makes him laugh!!!!

He thought this was very funny, and promptly 'tackled' me again. I got the camera as revenge - tackling became far more fun whilst trying to get a photo of him - this one was as a result of him trying to crawl through my legs to get the ball and falling over giggling when I shoved the camera in his face!

Have to go - need to shower as I am literally covered in wee small crawlie midgies and I'm getting bitten to buggery!

You'll notice the Liverpool kit - thats why no-one in this house is bothered about the footy tonight!!!

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