
By middleman


A rare treat of an afternoon cinema trip today. Bookended by lunch out and a decent swim. Best get cracking on some work in a minute to make up for all that time off.

Movie in question was Melancholia, the new film from Lars Von Trier, a director whose previous output I've found pretty erratic. Mind you, I loved his last one, Antichrist, that I know a lot of people hated, so maybe I'm not to be trusted on this, but...I really liked this latest one. It's the end of the world as we know it, and I'll leave the rest of that line for you all to finish off as you best see fit. On at The Cameo anyway, worth checking out their website if you're thinking of going along, most of the performances are in Screen 1 but a few are in the smaller screens. I think for this film going large is the only real option.

Music - REM would be too obvious after that last paragraph, so instead I'll go for summat that I've been listening to throughout the day. It's smooth, luxuriant deep house from Tokyo that sounds lovely and familiar even though it's Stereociti's debut album. Satisfaction guaranteed.

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