Glimpses of Bdays

By BeGlimpses

In a second

Came out from work this afternoon and close to the bus stop we witnessed this car accident.

It happens every day, but when it comes that close it touches you almost as it was fysically.

I think about how life can change in just a second. I wonder what happened to the involved. If the life really changed in that moment, if they survived, if by chance someone, despite the damage to the car, was really lucky?

I remember how afraid I was when my girl were small, many years ago now, and they were out in the traffic. Especially car traffic scares me the most. Talking about zero control - now matter how well you drive, there might come an idiot...

I am lucky, nothing ever happened. Today they are adult and both of them have got their license this year. I think about it... but won't worry. Worrying is living in the future and we are here now. Only some good advice now and then :)

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