Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

Oooo Fancy!

I got back from picking #1 daughter from nursery to be told by my exasperated wife that a photographer from the newspaper was coming to the house to take photographs of her and stuff from the shop and that I needed to tidy the livingroom. I wasn't told when so assumed that it was any minute. Two hours later he turned up for the photos and spent most of the time outside with Vonnie and the replica of the royal wedding dress that Jenny made.

He was the first newspaper photographer we've met that has used Canon's. Every one until now has been a Nikon fan so needless to say I was picking my jaw up off the ground when I seen all the 'L' series lenses in his bag.

I've also came to the realisation that if I'm walking six+ miles a day doing the school runs I need a better pair of trainers. My feet are killing me :(

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