24 hour life

By Sarah12


This is a cat with a routine.

7.30 am Awakes
7.45 am Eats
8.00 am Arrives upstairs and bites ankles. not his.
8.30 am Leaves house.
12.30 pm Arrives back in house.
12.31 pm Eats.
12.32 pm Go upstairs.
12.33 pm Cleans himself.
12.38 pm Sleeps
3.30 pm Awakes.
3.35 pm Eats.
3.40 pm Leaves house.
7.00 pm Arrives back in house.
7.10 pm Eats.
7.20 pm Cleans himself.
7.30 pm Sleeps.
11.00 pm Goes to bed.

There is not much else that happens. You may try and cuddle him, you may get a nip back. Or, he may give your nose a very fishy lick.

He's fab. and furry. and cute. and cheeky. and fluffy. and Hannah is now telling me what to type ..........

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