twin orbs...

...of water

amazing to me...

perfectly balanced on the leaf - appearing as though... at any moment - the one will topple... and roll into the other

but as i stood and watched - keen observer i am - it didn't happen... even as the wind came up and shook the little leaf... the water droplets remained firm - steadfast - certain in their given task that nature had demanded of them...

renewing my own resolve - for my faith in self... if a little water droplet can hold to its purpose and not give in when a little wind comes its way... then i, too, have the ability to dig deep when the storms of life arise - to challenge me and threaten to topple at any given moment...

we are all much stronger than we believe we are and can take simple lessons - strategies from nature - if we but look around - take a moment - allow ourselves to observe...

and we will then have many a

happy day.....

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