Big Hill

By bighill

Meditation walk....

down a damp and wet Fairy Glenn path, out behind the house.

Had a very restless sleep last night and felt like i'd rolled around all night long....which left me in a pretty irritable mood this morning! So i headed off down one of my favorite paths, the woods are so magical, ferns, all sorts of amazing mosses growing up and around tree stumps....i just love it, and after about 1/2 hour meditating on the world around me, i found some equilibrium!

One of the things i love about blip is being stimulated and inspired by others images! So when i saw this image, i was totally reminded of Memento's blip yesterday.....they are very different images, but when i saw this little patch of water drenched ....... something or other, laying at my feet, i got right into it!

So thanks Memento....and now that i've spent the day glazing and preparing a kiln load which is firing right now....and after a wee nap and a shower....i'm ready for dinner preps and a relaxing evening. the temp has really dropped here and we're expecting heavy duty rain and wind tomorrow, so i'm guessing it's inside at the market!

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