
By karenjulia

Showing us your crack!

There's a TV/radio ad in NZ for a windscreen repair company that has the jingle "show us your crack!" which is rather amusing and is guaranteed to make people laugh.  Came to mind today when EQC (Earthquake Commission) came a'calling.

We have quite a bit of cosmetic ie non-structural damage.  Good to have them come and check everything.  A lot of it involves plaster stopping/painting but there's a little mortaring to be done around the bricks.  They will send us their report (see the ipads?  very techno and efficient) and then we can use the EQC contractors or take the money and get it done ourselves.

Lovely guys and they took a good hour and a bit going over the house and section from top to bottom including inspecting the roof space.  Thank goodness we live in such a GREAT country!!

Thanks EQC.

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