That's Entertainment!

There is a difference between acting and entertaining. Acting is a rehearsed premeditated repetitive 'pretending' to be something or someone you are not. Entertaining is being who you are and extending yourself in a creative and spontaneous way that allows talent to bubble up and out, delighting your audience and relieving them of the stresses of the day, while maintaining the integrity of who you are. An entertainer who loves people, sets them at ease and makes them feel at home, almost like you could be good friends with them.

We used to have some incredible entertainers, didn't we. Several just came to our minds (my sweetie and I) and I'm sure a few have come to your mind, but many of them are gone now. I certainly hope some great people will rise up and truly entertain from the heart again, delighting their audiences and helping them to get away from their troubles for just a bit.

These were my thoughts as I cleaned Annie's Cottage tonight. Don't know why, but these flowers that were freshly washed by the rain, and the water that lit up in the background as blue gems struck me as true, authentic entertainers. No pretending, just the real thing.

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