Northern Exposure

By Northern

Scenic view

Campbell had hockey practice tonight. Normally I manage to avoid the sport chauffeur job on a Tuesday but tonight things worked out that I was the only one available. It wasn't exactly weather for a blip wander and the cafe at the sports centre is closed at the moment (don't ask, I'll only rant.) so I filled a flask with coffee, packed a book and settled in for a quiet hour of reading in the car.

Must confess to really enjoying sitting in a car in the rain. Might be because of the knowledge that I'm not out in the rain, whilst enthusiastic children run around getting soaked (ha, ha!). Might be because I have fond memories of family trips which always seemed to end up with eating fish suppers washed down with irn bru whilst the car steamed up. Or it might just be the benefits to mental health of having nothing to do but watch the rain run down the window.

Took me a wee while to realise what it was that made up the view through the windscreen. Apart from the floodlight posts at the pitch and the various bits of stuff for the construction of the new pool, there were a couple of car seats strapped to the top of a concrete cylinder. I can only assume for the workmen to sit on and enjoy their piece whilst enjoying the view.

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